Monday, October 31, 2011

What Is Acupuncture Good For?: Depression

What Is Acupuncture Good For?: Depression: Five Natural Remedies To Reduce Depression: The Role of Vitamins, Hormones, Toxicity and Acupuncture Hormonal Imbalance...


Five Natural Remedies To Reduce Depression: 
The Role of Vitamins, Hormones, Toxicity and Acupuncture

Hormonal Imbalances
Two primary hormonal imbalances that precipitate depression involve the Thyroid and Adrenal glands. Depression is a common symptom of poor thyroid function. To test your thyroid: upon awakening and before arising and moving around, put the thermometer snugly in your armpit for 10 minutes by the clock. If the temperature is below 97.8, you likely have a thyroid problem and if you already are on medication you may need more. Thyroid dysfunction can be caused by a block in the flow of blood to the thyroid. Acupuncture can improve thyroid function by increasing or unblocking blood flow to this gland.

Adrenal glands are considered to be the stress glands of the body because they are activated when you are under stress. These glands are injured by caffeine, nicotine, stress and sugar. The 3 main symptoms of weak adrenal glands are fatigue, problems with sleep, and mood swings including depression. There are 2 tests to determine that how your adrenal glands are functioning; the Ragland’s Test and the Paradoxical Pupilary Reaction. These glands can be strengthened with Vitamin C , Vitamin B-complex and Acupuncture treatments.

Nutritional Deficiency
According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: “A deficiency of any single nutrient can alter brain function and lead to depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.”

Vitamin B is commonly low in depressed people especially for women taking estrogen or birth control pills since they deplete B6. Vitamin B9, also known as Folic Acid, is the vitamin most commonly deficient. Numerous studies have shown that 31-35% of depressed patients have Folic Acid deficiencies. The most common symptom of Folic Acid deficiency is depression. Vitamin B12 often produces dramatic results in people who are depressed due to Vitamin B deficiencies. Magnesium is a critical mineral used in sending messages along your nerves. An estimated nearly 75% of Americans do not take enough to meet minimum requirements. Magnesium deficiencies can result in muscle weakness and irritability.

Two other nutritional areas should be considered with depression. First is L-tryptophan, an amino acid which acts to increase serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects mood and sleep.

The second important nutrient is Omega 3 oils. A study done in the Oct. 2002 issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry found that depression was reduced significantly when volunteers took fish oil supplements containing a gram of ethyl-EPA. Antarctic rill oil is the superior source of Omega-3. Krill is part of the LifePak Nano product for sale at Health For Life. Health For Life uses science based evidence with the BioPhotonic Scanner to monitor its efficacy & absorption.

Other Causes & Solutions
The build up of toxins in the body can also cause depression. A toxic liver can cause fatigue, depression and even suicidal thoughts. Since there are many toxic chemicals that contribute to depression, it is important to consider a cleanse as part of a natural solution.

Another cause of depression is drug use, including prescription or over the counter medications. According to the British Medical Journal: Depression can be caused by an adverse reaction to any of more than 130 drugs as common as: Ibuprofen, Xanax, Lipitor, Zyban, Cortisone, Valium, Pepcid, Dexatrim and Zantac. Source:; Xanax®, Lipitor®, Zyban®, Valium®, Pepcid®, Dexatrim® and Zantac® are trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

 Physical stress and pain can also be a major condition that can lead to depression. A Duke University study pointed out the remarkable connection between depression and one’s physical condition. A group of 156 elderly patients diagnosed with major depression were divided into 3 groups including one whose treatment was only a 30 minute brisk walk or jog 3 times a week to reduce stress and improve their general health condition. After 16 weeks, 60.4% of those who walked regularly no longer met the criteria for the diagnosis of depression. Source: Duke University, Oct. 25, 1999 issue of The Archives of Internal Medicine. The research is supported by a number of grants from the National Institutes of Health.

A California State University study found that a 10 minute walk is enough to increase energy, alter mood, and effect a positive outlook for up to 2 hours.

One of the reasons Acupuncture helps with depression is its effect on the brain.   According to the National Institute of Health, “Studies have shown that Acupuncture may alter brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones in a good way.”

A study that was conducted by the University of Arizona consisting of 38 adult women diagnosed with mild to moderate depression. They were treated with Acupuncture according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, each for her own specific pattern of symptoms. They were treated twice per week for one month and once per week for a second month, for a total of 12 sessions.  After completion of their Acupuncture treatment for depression, 70% of the women experienced at least a 50% reduction of symptoms, results comparable to the success rate of psychotherapy and medication, without the dangers or side effects of drugs.Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine, published September 1998 issue of Psychological Science, American Psychological Society, “The Efficacy of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Major Depression in Women,” John J.B. Allen, Rosa N. Schnyer, and Sabrina K. Hitt.
According to the National Institute of Health, Oriental Medicine has provided solutions for such diverse problems as: Hormone problems, stress, anxiety, headaches, migraines, paralysis, drug & nicotine addiction, allergy & sinus/breathing problems, digestive problems, pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries & many more.  All of which can contribute to depression.

To Schedule a FREE Consultation,  

Please Call 321.259.0555

Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Improve Your Golf Game and Reduce Injuries

Golf strains the hands, wrists, elbows, knees & back.

The Injury Reality

No matter what condition you are in, or the way you swing when you play, you will be straining and causing trauma to your hands, wrists, elbows, knees and back.

60 percent of all golfers will suffer at least one serious golf-related back injury over their playing years. Most of those injuries will occur to golfers over 50. The most common injury location is the lower back.  Even without severe injury, 4 out of 5 golfers report low back pain after playing.

Injury Potential:

· 18 holes, with an average of 5 strokes per hole = 90 strokes.
· Add 2 practice swings per strike = 270 swings per round!
· That’s 270 possible traumas or strains each round!

Golf, being a unilateral sport, increases the chances of injury significantly. There are 3 basic types of injuries that  occur while playing golf:

1. Sprains
2. Strains
3. Blockages

Tips To Reduce Injuries

Pre-Game Warm Up   Only half of all golfers surveyed do any warm-up at all.  None of the golfers surveyed did any aerobics before playing.  Most do only a few “practice swings.” Only 1 in 10 do stretches
Aerobic Warm Up
5 minutes of aerobic exercise:
       Running in place
       Brisk walk around the parking lot
       Jumping jacks
Stretching Warm Up
10 minutes of stretches
        Neck range of motion
        Upper chest & back
        Side to side back
        Toe touch

To prevent injury, do 20 minutes of practice swings:
       Wedge to woods
       Half swing to full
       Think smooth contact, not distance
Your Golf Swing
 There are two types of swings:

The Modern & The Classic
The Modern swing has you address the ball with the ball more towards the middle of your stance. You swing the club using the torso to turn over your hips. This creates the  X-Factor: The coiling of the torso over the hips causing a strong torque in the lumbar spine!  In the Modern swing, your finish is in a reversed letter C posture.  Most pros use this method. However, because of the torque forces, it is the most destructive to the joints of the body.
The other swing is called the Classic swing. In this swing the hips and shoulders turn equally in the backswing and the follow-through.  The finish position is much straighter, not as twisted as in the Modern swing, and you end in a more upright or straight posture with less torque!
For the amateur golfer, I recommend the Classic swing. Remember: without proper warm up even with this swingyou can still get injured.

It is estimated that over 30 million Americans suffer from some sort of chronic pain due to back and neck problems, headaches, arthritis and other medical conditions.

Acupuncture is a relatively low cost method of treating chronic pain that is gaining popularity in the United States.

It’s a natural healing process that improves body function. Acupuncture is based on the fact that the body needs the proper flow of blood to the organs and the tissues to be well.

If you tried to water a garden with a hose that had a kink or blockage that prevented water from getting through, then the plants in that garden would die. That vital flow of water could not reach the plants. In the same way, if there is a block in the flow of blood to areas of injury in your body, removing the block would allow the blood to return and help healing to occur.

Acupuncturist Sylvie Morin , Doctor of Oriental Medicine is trained to determine where the blood stagnation or blockages can occur. Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve function. This is done by inserting sterilized, stainless-steel needles (that are as fine as a human hair) into specific points located near or on the surface of the skin which have the ability to remove the blocks and allow healing and pain relief to occur.

To Schedule your  FREE  Consultation,  
Please Call 321.259.0555

Monday, August 29, 2011

Autism: The Spectrum Disorder

What Is Autism?

Autism is the term given to a set of developmental abnormalities characterized by an inability to construct sentences, pay attention, engage in conversation and demonstrate normal social skills. Autism has been labeled as a “Spectrum Disorder” meaning it has many different manifestations and symptoms that, although different, fall under the same category – Autism. It is such a broad diagnosis that it can include people with high IQs and mental retardation. People with autism can be chatty or silent, affectionate or cold, methodical or disorganized. According to the CDC, autism has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. while other countries seem to have been able to avoid this health crisis. Autism is now diagnosed in 1 out of 110 American children and this number is increasing. 

Why does it happen?

A vital fact for you to know is that we live in a highly toxic world. There are 82,000 chemicals in our water, food and air. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has only tested 22,000 of them as to their harmful effects.

A recent study in 2006 found the placenta of newborn children contained 280 chemicals; 180 that cause cancer, 217 that cause neurological damage, and 208 that cause birth defects. These infants received these chemicals through their mother’s blood.

Growing research indicates toxic chemicals could be one of the triggers of autism.

A new study published May 15, 2007 in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health by Drs. Mark and David Geier, both leading advocates for mercury-free vaccines, clearly suggests that there is a direct causal link between mercury exposure from Thimerosal-preserved vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Thimerosal (49.55% mercury by weight) is a highly toxic mercury compound used as a preservative in some over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including most flu shots given to pregnant women, infants, children, adults, and the elderly.

Another cause of autism and other health problems involves the blockage of proper blood flow due to trauma.

How can it be cured?

There are two solutions available, not only regarding autism, but to improve your overall general health. The first is detoxifying the body of toxic heavy metals and the second is improving neurological function.

There are two ways to remove toxic chemicals from your body. The first method is to do a nutritional cleansing program designed to replace harmful chemicals with the trace minerals your body needs. The second method is to use what is called a chelating agent to eliminate harmful chemicals. Chelation is a process used to extract heavy metals from the body using a chelating agent. Chelating agents are substances that, by their structure, attach to heavy metals, combine with them, and are then removed from the body in your urine and feces.

The Chinese discovered that cuts, physical or mental trauma and even things as common as dental work can cause blocks in the flow of blood to organs, glands and tissues of the body causing them to malfunction. Acupuncture is a system of healing designed to remove blockages in the flow of blood. An Acupuncturist works to restore the proper flow of blood necessary to improve bodily functions.

The FREE Gift is the opportunity to receive, free of charge, a wellness consultation for you and your child. 

The consultation will help us find what has potentially lead to the autistic symptoms in your child and any other health problems you or they may have. 

Bodies break down because of injury or abuse from chemical toxins. If we can find out from you and your child’s history why your health has been lost, we can plan a way to recover it.

To Schedule your  FREE  Consultation,   
Please Call 321.259.0555

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Restless Leg Syndrome

Are you experiencing tingling sensations in the legs and
 arms while sitting or lying down, especially at bedtime?

What is RLS?

RLS is a condition distinguished by tingling sensations in the legs, and sometimes the arms, while sitting or lying still, especially at bedtime. The person with RLS needs to constantly stretch or move the legs to try to relieve these uncomfortable or painful symptoms. As a result, he or she has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep and usually feels extremely sleepy and unable to function fully during the day.

People who have RLS describe the unpleasant feelings in their legs as creeping, crawling, or pulling sensations, as well as itching, tingling, burning, aching, or similar to an electric shock sensation. RLS sufferers further report that the urge to move and other unpleasant feelings mostly occur when they are resting or are inactive. Consequently, symptoms tend to be worse in the evening and are temporarily relieved in the morning.  RLS can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep, and, therefore, may make you feel tired and sleepy during the day. This can make it hard to learn, work, and to even do your normal routine.  Furthermore, not getting enough sleep can also cause depression, mood swings, and other health problems.

Causes of RLS

One type of RLS usually starts early in life (before age 45) and tends to run in families. Once this type of RLS starts, it usually lasts for the rest of your life. Over time, symptoms slowly get worse and occur more often.  Another type of RLS usually starts later in life (after age 45) and generally doesn’t run in families. This type tends to have a more abrupt onset, with the symptoms usually not getting worse with age.
Natural conditions such as pregnancy, due to a common problem of a simple iron deficiency, may also trigger RLS. Additionally, some diseases and the medications you may be taking for them may also result in RLS symptoms. For example, RLS has been associated with kidney failure, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Research presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies conference has linked iron deficiency to causing the onset of RLS. Another factor related to RLS is stress. Stress is not simply a mental problem.  It directly affects hormones released by the adrenal glands. The adrenal gland secrete hormones that affect the heart, digestion, weight, the balance of women’s hormones, and also your sleep.

How can it be cured?
Research points to 3 specific solutions to Restless Leg Syndrome:
1. Handling the nutritional deficiencies
2. Resolving any physical stress-related factors affecting your health
3. Removing any blockages for proper circulation of blood to organs & tissue.

Also, when a condition, disease or medicine triggers RLS, the symptoms usually start suddenly. The disorder may go away if the trigger is relieved or stopped. Although considered incurable through medication, this problem has responded favorably to the following methods:

First, check any medications you may be taking for other health problems, as these may actually be causing this condition.

Drugs found to cause RLS include: Anti-nausea medicines, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics (used to treat certain mental health disorders), Cold and allergy medicines that contain antihistamines, and, Calcium channel blockers (used to treat heart problems and high blood pressure). Warning: Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your medical doctor first.
Research has found that there is a  connection in RLS patients with low back pain, spinal cord injury & nerve problems. Acupuncture treatment has proved effective in treating this condition.

To Schedule your FREE Consultation,   
Please Call 321.259.0555


402 N.  Babcock St. Suite 101             
 Melbourne, FL 32935

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Prevent, Control or Eliminate Type II Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome

Here are some FACTS regarding Diabetes:
1 in 13 have Diabetes, 1 in 4 don’t know it yet, and 1 in 5 are at risk of getting Diabetes.

Diabetes DOUBLES the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Diabetes is the #1 cause of blindness in adults.

Complications of Diabetes kills more people than breast cancer and AIDS combined.

Unfortunately, Type II Diabetes is becoming an epidemic with 1 out of 3 children born today expected to become diabetic at one point in their life.

All forms of Diabetes are caused by the fact that the sugar in the blood fails to make it into the cell. When sugar builds up in the blood, you get high blood sugar or Diabetes. If you are overweight, have high cholesterol, and high blood pressure without elevated blood sugar, you have: metabolic syndrome. If it is not addressed, it will eventually lead to Diabetes.

Causes & Cures:
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, has the role of opening up the cells to allow the sugar in the blood to pass through.  If the sugar cannot get into the cell you get high blood sugar or Diabetes.

There are two basic reasons sugar does not get into the cell: 1. Lack of insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, which acts like the key to unlock the cell door so the sugar can go through. 2. Failure for the cell to accept the insulin and then open to let the sugar in.

Insulin will not work to open the cell wall if the cell develops what is called “insulin resistance.”
Despite a normal amount of insulin being made, you still get Type II Diabetes because your cells fail to respond to the insulin in your blood. Since Type II Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome are not genetic but have to do with lifestyle: You can prevent, control and eliminate them. By Lifestyle we mean: what you eat, if you exercise and how you care for your body.

The reason your cells would resist insulin lies in the fact that (if you are similar to the average American) you consume 120 lbs. of sugar each year! To handle the large amounts of sugar being consumed, the pancreas starts to release insulin in greater quantities. Over time 2 things can happen:  First, the cells begin to expect a large amount of insulin to be released with the sugar we eat. Then, when the normal amount of insulin is released, it will no longer work. The cells will only respond to a more than normal amount.
At the same time the pancreas itself can become exhausted from overwork and start producing less insulin which also results in Diabetes.

To help eliminate high blood sugar or any other health problems you are having – you need to look at what might be causing these illnesses. The first thing that leads to this problem is: too much sugar. You need to remove the junk food and sugar products from your diet if you wish to be healthy. Secondly, you need to stabilize your blood sugar by eating 4 to 5 small meals per day, rather than one or two large meals with lots of snacks.

According to researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and published in the August 2009 issue of Journal of American Dietetic Association:  93%  of diabetics just eat too much food or eat food that is lacking in nutrition, and don’t eat recommended amounts of nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

We offer a supplement which include certain necessary nutrients that can be taken daily to help you with blood sugar problems related to diabetes, metabolic syndrome or even hypoglycemia. 

Another contributing factor  to Type II Diabetes is being overweight.  A dramatically effective approach to weight loss is called Nutritional Detox Cleansing.  Our detox program includes: specific herbs to cleanse the liver, trace mineral to restore normal function & maintain your energy and help you rebuild your cells. 

Another important factor is the role of Blood Circulation, not only in Diabetes, but in regards to your general health. Blood flow stagnation and blockages often result in not only headaches, neck and back pain, numbness, sciatica and digestive disorders, but it can also aggravate numerous unrelated health problems.  The number one reason people don’t exercise is pain associated with past traumas. A lack of exercise adds to weight issues, as well as heart disease and cancer.  Undetected blockages in the proper flow of blood resulting from trauma not only affects weight gain/loss but also your general health.
In our clinic, we've been able to help people with Diabetic Neuropathy and other nerve related problems by not only providing the essential nutrients the cells need, but also by improving blood circulation to these nerves. Having a proper blood flow to your organs and tissues controls every function of your body. Diabetes is considered to be a Functional Disease – a disease related to a lack of function. Acupuncture is based on the fact that blood is vital to the health of your organs, tissues and glands. Without proper blood flow, you cannot get the vital nutrients to the cells to cleanse the body of stagnant blood. Since proper blood circulation controls all the organs, tissues and glands, including the pancreas – their reduced circulation causes symptoms and diseases such as Diabetes. We can provide you with a safe, natural drug-free solution for your health concerns.
To Schedule a FREE Consultation,   Please Call 321.259.0555

402 N.  Babcock St. Suite 101, Melbourne, FL 32935

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Get a Great Night's Sleep Naturally!

You settle into a warm, comfortable bed, close your eyes and nothing happens, you just can't fall asleep.  Hours go by and you're still awake.  The next day you feel tired, grouchy, and are unable to focus.  Does this sound familiar?

Sleepless nights happen to almost everyone at some time, but ongoing insomnia can indicate a deep issue and could lead to further health concerns.  Unfortunately, a common approach to treating insomnia includes prescription sleeping medications, which can cause side effects or even dependence. That's one of the many reasons to consider an all natural approach to treating your sleep problems.  Acupuncture can be a very effective way to improve your sleep quality without side effects.

One bad night.... or an ongoing issue?  Occasional insomnia is a very common problem, affecting about one in four Americans.  It can happen to anyone, but is more common in older adults.  Its symptoms include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up during the nigh
  • Daytime fatigue and irritability
  • Frustration and moodiness
Insomnia can be very frustrating, but it's more than an annoyance.  When insomnia becomes ongoing, or chronic, your body is unable to the rest and renewal it needs so that you can feel your best.  In fact, a lack of quality sleep can cause problems such as difficulty concentrating, diminished energy, low mood, and trouble performing everyday tasks.  Since sleep strengthens the immune system, insomnia can leave you susceptible to many other health concerns.  Luckily, you don't have to just "put up with" chronic insomnia.

How Acupuncture Can Help
According to the theories of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, conditions such as insomnia are a sign of an imbalance in Qi, the vital energy that animates the body and protects it from illness.

This imbalance can stem from a number of causes such as stress, anxiety, medications, depression, and chronic pain.  To determine the underlying causes of your insomnia, your acupuncturist will take into account many factors, including your lifestyle and emotional and mental well-being.  They will then work to restore the balance and flow of Qi by inserting fine, sterile needles at specific points along the body.

Your acupuncturist may also suggest aromatherapy, yoga, meditation, or other additional therapies.  You may find that you sleep better after your very first session, though you will most likely receive the most benefit from a series of treatments.

Your acupuncturist can get to the root of your sleep issues by taking into account all of the factors that may be contributing to your sleep disturbance.  With this ancient form of health care, you can treat your symptoms, improve your overall health and well-being, and start looking forward to a great night's sleep, every night.

Schedule a free consultation:
Health for Life
Sylvie Morin, D.O.M.
Acupuncture Physician

Here are a few questions your practitioner may ask. They help refine your specific diagnosis.
  • Do you have difficulty falling asleep?
  • Do you have difficulty staying asleep?
  • Is your sleep filled with vivid dreams?
  • Is it difficult to calm your mind at night?
  • Is it difficult to sleep on your back? This can relate to an excess condition of the lungs or heart meridians.
  • Do you only sleep on your back with outstretched arms? This can reflect a pattern of excess heat.
  • Do you prefer to sleep on your stomach or side? This could indicate a deficient condition.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Boost Weight Loss with Acupuncture.

If you struggle with your weight, you're not alone.  In fact, more than 30% of all U.S. adults meet the criteria for being obese.

Americans spend billions of dollars annually on weight loss products, but obesity is still on the rise.  People are even turning to surgery as a weight loss option.  This is a drastic measure and can cause unwanted side effects.

Unfortunately, excess weight is not just a cosmetic issue.  Being overweight is a risk factor for many conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.  The good news is that maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk, and it's NEVER too late to get started.  People seeking to address their weight concerns are turning to acupuncture as a natural and effective way to approach weight loss.

Acupuncture works to control weight loss on various levels.

Release Endorphins - With diet changes, many people experience cravings, which can lead to binge eating. Cravings in the body are often due to lack of endorphins. Acupuncture can help to balance out the cravings by helping the body to release endorphins.

Reduce Stress - An increase in the "stress hormone" cortisol can alter the metabolism.  Through the release of endorphins, the "stress hormone" can also be neutralized.

Support Digestion - Acupuncture can support the body to generate an efficient digestive process.

A Traditional Approach to Healing.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a holistic, or whole-body approach to health.  This ancient form of healthcare works to restore the balance and flow of the body's Qi (pronounced "chee"), or vital energy.  According to TCM, the reasons why people gain weight, or find it difficult to lose weight, are numerous.  Your acupuncturist is well versed in uncovering the root cause(s) or imbalances that have affected your weight.

Your acupuncturist will also take into consideration other factors that may have led to weight gain, including your lifestyle, and emotional and mental well-being. By taking your whole self into account, you and your acupuncturist can get to the root of your health concerns, rather than just treating the symptoms.

What Will My Acupuncturist Do?
During your first visit, your acupuncturist will take an extensive health history and perform various exams.  At the completion of your first visit, your acupuncturist will provide you with a comprehensive diagnosis and an explanation of your treatment plan.  Your treatments will focus on correcting any underlying imbalances in your body, and will also help to support you in reaching your weight loss goals.

Based on your unique symptoms, your acupuncturist will choose to concentrate on acupuncture points related to specific organs.  For example, restoring balance to the flow of Qi in the stomach can help promote good digestion and suppress an overactive appetite.  Emotional issues, such as anxiety and stress, both of which can lead to overeating, can be addressed by balancing the liver.

A Partnership for Better Health
It is important to remember that acupuncture is not a "quick fix."  By working with your acupuncturist, and committing to long-term goals, you will experience positive changes in your overall health, including maintaining a healthy body weight.

In addition to acupuncture treatments, your practitioner may also recommend other lifestyle changes.  Whether you want to lose a few pounds or a significant amount, people are turning to acupuncture as a natural and effective way to approach weight loss.  By working together with your practitioner, you can help your body regain its natural balance and start taking steps toward true health and vitality!

Other Ways to Support Your Path Toward a Happier, Leaner You!

  • Exercise is an important component of any weight loss program.  Adding aerobic exercise, weight training, and other types of exercise to your daily routine will have a positive effect on your weight and general health.
  • Diet is another important issue to consider.  In general, a healthy diet is made up of unprocessed, organic foods, including a wide variety of whole grains and vegetables.  Your acupuncturist may offer nutritional counseling designed for your specific needs.
  • Stress relief may also be a part of you treatment.  By learning how to lower stress and anxiety through techniques such as breathing, meditation, or gentle exercise, you may lose weight more easily, and possibly stop destructive habits such as overeating.

Schedule your FREE Consultation:
Sylvie Morin, D.O.M.
Doctor of Oriental Medicine (D.O.M.)
Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.)
Diplomate in Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.)
Diplomate in Chinese Herbology (Dipl. C.H.)
Nationally Board Certified (NCCAOM)