Monday, August 29, 2011

Autism: The Spectrum Disorder

What Is Autism?

Autism is the term given to a set of developmental abnormalities characterized by an inability to construct sentences, pay attention, engage in conversation and demonstrate normal social skills. Autism has been labeled as a “Spectrum Disorder” meaning it has many different manifestations and symptoms that, although different, fall under the same category – Autism. It is such a broad diagnosis that it can include people with high IQs and mental retardation. People with autism can be chatty or silent, affectionate or cold, methodical or disorganized. According to the CDC, autism has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. while other countries seem to have been able to avoid this health crisis. Autism is now diagnosed in 1 out of 110 American children and this number is increasing. 

Why does it happen?

A vital fact for you to know is that we live in a highly toxic world. There are 82,000 chemicals in our water, food and air. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has only tested 22,000 of them as to their harmful effects.

A recent study in 2006 found the placenta of newborn children contained 280 chemicals; 180 that cause cancer, 217 that cause neurological damage, and 208 that cause birth defects. These infants received these chemicals through their mother’s blood.

Growing research indicates toxic chemicals could be one of the triggers of autism.

A new study published May 15, 2007 in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health by Drs. Mark and David Geier, both leading advocates for mercury-free vaccines, clearly suggests that there is a direct causal link between mercury exposure from Thimerosal-preserved vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Thimerosal (49.55% mercury by weight) is a highly toxic mercury compound used as a preservative in some over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including most flu shots given to pregnant women, infants, children, adults, and the elderly.

Another cause of autism and other health problems involves the blockage of proper blood flow due to trauma.

How can it be cured?

There are two solutions available, not only regarding autism, but to improve your overall general health. The first is detoxifying the body of toxic heavy metals and the second is improving neurological function.

There are two ways to remove toxic chemicals from your body. The first method is to do a nutritional cleansing program designed to replace harmful chemicals with the trace minerals your body needs. The second method is to use what is called a chelating agent to eliminate harmful chemicals. Chelation is a process used to extract heavy metals from the body using a chelating agent. Chelating agents are substances that, by their structure, attach to heavy metals, combine with them, and are then removed from the body in your urine and feces.

The Chinese discovered that cuts, physical or mental trauma and even things as common as dental work can cause blocks in the flow of blood to organs, glands and tissues of the body causing them to malfunction. Acupuncture is a system of healing designed to remove blockages in the flow of blood. An Acupuncturist works to restore the proper flow of blood necessary to improve bodily functions.

The FREE Gift is the opportunity to receive, free of charge, a wellness consultation for you and your child. 

The consultation will help us find what has potentially lead to the autistic symptoms in your child and any other health problems you or they may have. 

Bodies break down because of injury or abuse from chemical toxins. If we can find out from you and your child’s history why your health has been lost, we can plan a way to recover it.

To Schedule your  FREE  Consultation,   
Please Call 321.259.0555

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Restless Leg Syndrome

Are you experiencing tingling sensations in the legs and
 arms while sitting or lying down, especially at bedtime?

What is RLS?

RLS is a condition distinguished by tingling sensations in the legs, and sometimes the arms, while sitting or lying still, especially at bedtime. The person with RLS needs to constantly stretch or move the legs to try to relieve these uncomfortable or painful symptoms. As a result, he or she has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep and usually feels extremely sleepy and unable to function fully during the day.

People who have RLS describe the unpleasant feelings in their legs as creeping, crawling, or pulling sensations, as well as itching, tingling, burning, aching, or similar to an electric shock sensation. RLS sufferers further report that the urge to move and other unpleasant feelings mostly occur when they are resting or are inactive. Consequently, symptoms tend to be worse in the evening and are temporarily relieved in the morning.  RLS can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep, and, therefore, may make you feel tired and sleepy during the day. This can make it hard to learn, work, and to even do your normal routine.  Furthermore, not getting enough sleep can also cause depression, mood swings, and other health problems.

Causes of RLS

One type of RLS usually starts early in life (before age 45) and tends to run in families. Once this type of RLS starts, it usually lasts for the rest of your life. Over time, symptoms slowly get worse and occur more often.  Another type of RLS usually starts later in life (after age 45) and generally doesn’t run in families. This type tends to have a more abrupt onset, with the symptoms usually not getting worse with age.
Natural conditions such as pregnancy, due to a common problem of a simple iron deficiency, may also trigger RLS. Additionally, some diseases and the medications you may be taking for them may also result in RLS symptoms. For example, RLS has been associated with kidney failure, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Research presented at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies conference has linked iron deficiency to causing the onset of RLS. Another factor related to RLS is stress. Stress is not simply a mental problem.  It directly affects hormones released by the adrenal glands. The adrenal gland secrete hormones that affect the heart, digestion, weight, the balance of women’s hormones, and also your sleep.

How can it be cured?
Research points to 3 specific solutions to Restless Leg Syndrome:
1. Handling the nutritional deficiencies
2. Resolving any physical stress-related factors affecting your health
3. Removing any blockages for proper circulation of blood to organs & tissue.

Also, when a condition, disease or medicine triggers RLS, the symptoms usually start suddenly. The disorder may go away if the trigger is relieved or stopped. Although considered incurable through medication, this problem has responded favorably to the following methods:

First, check any medications you may be taking for other health problems, as these may actually be causing this condition.

Drugs found to cause RLS include: Anti-nausea medicines, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics (used to treat certain mental health disorders), Cold and allergy medicines that contain antihistamines, and, Calcium channel blockers (used to treat heart problems and high blood pressure). Warning: Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your medical doctor first.
Research has found that there is a  connection in RLS patients with low back pain, spinal cord injury & nerve problems. Acupuncture treatment has proved effective in treating this condition.

To Schedule your FREE Consultation,   
Please Call 321.259.0555


402 N.  Babcock St. Suite 101             
 Melbourne, FL 32935