Monday, October 31, 2011

What Is Acupuncture Good For?: Depression

What Is Acupuncture Good For?: Depression: Five Natural Remedies To Reduce Depression: The Role of Vitamins, Hormones, Toxicity and Acupuncture Hormonal Imbalance...


Five Natural Remedies To Reduce Depression: 
The Role of Vitamins, Hormones, Toxicity and Acupuncture

Hormonal Imbalances
Two primary hormonal imbalances that precipitate depression involve the Thyroid and Adrenal glands. Depression is a common symptom of poor thyroid function. To test your thyroid: upon awakening and before arising and moving around, put the thermometer snugly in your armpit for 10 minutes by the clock. If the temperature is below 97.8, you likely have a thyroid problem and if you already are on medication you may need more. Thyroid dysfunction can be caused by a block in the flow of blood to the thyroid. Acupuncture can improve thyroid function by increasing or unblocking blood flow to this gland.

Adrenal glands are considered to be the stress glands of the body because they are activated when you are under stress. These glands are injured by caffeine, nicotine, stress and sugar. The 3 main symptoms of weak adrenal glands are fatigue, problems with sleep, and mood swings including depression. There are 2 tests to determine that how your adrenal glands are functioning; the Ragland’s Test and the Paradoxical Pupilary Reaction. These glands can be strengthened with Vitamin C , Vitamin B-complex and Acupuncture treatments.

Nutritional Deficiency
According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: “A deficiency of any single nutrient can alter brain function and lead to depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.”

Vitamin B is commonly low in depressed people especially for women taking estrogen or birth control pills since they deplete B6. Vitamin B9, also known as Folic Acid, is the vitamin most commonly deficient. Numerous studies have shown that 31-35% of depressed patients have Folic Acid deficiencies. The most common symptom of Folic Acid deficiency is depression. Vitamin B12 often produces dramatic results in people who are depressed due to Vitamin B deficiencies. Magnesium is a critical mineral used in sending messages along your nerves. An estimated nearly 75% of Americans do not take enough to meet minimum requirements. Magnesium deficiencies can result in muscle weakness and irritability.

Two other nutritional areas should be considered with depression. First is L-tryptophan, an amino acid which acts to increase serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects mood and sleep.

The second important nutrient is Omega 3 oils. A study done in the Oct. 2002 issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry found that depression was reduced significantly when volunteers took fish oil supplements containing a gram of ethyl-EPA. Antarctic rill oil is the superior source of Omega-3. Krill is part of the LifePak Nano product for sale at Health For Life. Health For Life uses science based evidence with the BioPhotonic Scanner to monitor its efficacy & absorption.

Other Causes & Solutions
The build up of toxins in the body can also cause depression. A toxic liver can cause fatigue, depression and even suicidal thoughts. Since there are many toxic chemicals that contribute to depression, it is important to consider a cleanse as part of a natural solution.

Another cause of depression is drug use, including prescription or over the counter medications. According to the British Medical Journal: Depression can be caused by an adverse reaction to any of more than 130 drugs as common as: Ibuprofen, Xanax, Lipitor, Zyban, Cortisone, Valium, Pepcid, Dexatrim and Zantac. Source:; Xanax®, Lipitor®, Zyban®, Valium®, Pepcid®, Dexatrim® and Zantac® are trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

 Physical stress and pain can also be a major condition that can lead to depression. A Duke University study pointed out the remarkable connection between depression and one’s physical condition. A group of 156 elderly patients diagnosed with major depression were divided into 3 groups including one whose treatment was only a 30 minute brisk walk or jog 3 times a week to reduce stress and improve their general health condition. After 16 weeks, 60.4% of those who walked regularly no longer met the criteria for the diagnosis of depression. Source: Duke University, Oct. 25, 1999 issue of The Archives of Internal Medicine. The research is supported by a number of grants from the National Institutes of Health.

A California State University study found that a 10 minute walk is enough to increase energy, alter mood, and effect a positive outlook for up to 2 hours.

One of the reasons Acupuncture helps with depression is its effect on the brain.   According to the National Institute of Health, “Studies have shown that Acupuncture may alter brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones in a good way.”

A study that was conducted by the University of Arizona consisting of 38 adult women diagnosed with mild to moderate depression. They were treated with Acupuncture according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, each for her own specific pattern of symptoms. They were treated twice per week for one month and once per week for a second month, for a total of 12 sessions.  After completion of their Acupuncture treatment for depression, 70% of the women experienced at least a 50% reduction of symptoms, results comparable to the success rate of psychotherapy and medication, without the dangers or side effects of drugs.Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine, published September 1998 issue of Psychological Science, American Psychological Society, “The Efficacy of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Major Depression in Women,” John J.B. Allen, Rosa N. Schnyer, and Sabrina K. Hitt.
According to the National Institute of Health, Oriental Medicine has provided solutions for such diverse problems as: Hormone problems, stress, anxiety, headaches, migraines, paralysis, drug & nicotine addiction, allergy & sinus/breathing problems, digestive problems, pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries & many more.  All of which can contribute to depression.

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